How to find a way back to yourself

People often say to me, “I don’t feel like my usual self.” To be honest, its hard to be just one thing all the time. We are constantly evolving and therefore change is inevitable. That being said, there are some wondrous things that should remain the same. We must hold on to what serves us, satiates us. This small guide is a bundle of some lessons I have learnt and employed to track back to myself. Hope they help you!

Survey your loved ones

Ask those who love you, irrespective of what the circumstances are, “What do you notice about me that has changed for good and not-so-good?” Without the urge for giving a response, absorb their answers and stay with them. Notice patterns between different answers and draw your own conclusions.

Consult your childhood

Pick old photo albums and go through pictures of your growing up years. Look hard and deep in to the face of your younger self and ask, “Would that child be happy or disappointed about who I have become today?”

In accordance, you can manifest more of the meaningful and course correct the mundane.

Don’t bundle up hurt

Resolve pent up pain so you can create room for something more deserving. Fear, disgust or hate obscures our vision to the clarity of thought. It build ups a wall between the horizon of our truest potential, between our more authentic self and our reality. The sooner we clear the rubble of disappointments, the faster we arrive at the destination our ideas of self-growth and healing.

Take a pause and avoid over-doing things

We compensate for what we don’t know with all that we know. But many a times, when you don’t know what to do, do nothing. Birth detailed questions about the uncertain and ruminate over them. Let the solution flow into you. All you can do sometimes is clear the path for its arrival.

Watch what influences you

Take stock of simple things. To what degree people, circumstances, films, songs, thoughts, books, games, news cloud and colour your day-to-day life? Identify the ones that have ceased to serve a purpose. Eliminate. Unfollow. Erase. It’s often the 'unnecessary' that sells well, but is needed the least.

Consume art that is abstract not definitive

We all shape our ideologies, habits, routines, dreams and perceptions from borrowed inspirations, cut-pieces of philosophies, hand-me-down phrases, but these are only resources for you to discover what suits your voice and soothes your soul. Spend more time in the company of artistic notions that give you the freedom to interpret enhancing your individuality rather than conforming to a norm.

Build your map with hope

Remember what Maya Angelou once said, “One can never get away from home.” No matter how much the difficulties of our days, harshness of opinions and weariness of the world tries to drown us, we have a tendency to float and find a way back into our more true selves. We stray away, feel lost, get stuck but sooner or later, either ourselves or with some incredible help we build a map and trace back to our more sacred self. Believe that.


To a dreamer


Unusual things I worry about these days