Things To Mourn For (before the year ends)
Honour grief before gratitude. It will help make space for the newness you seek. Resolve pain before brewing the resolutions for fresh days. Buy yourself some flowers, treat your heart kind. For you managed, somehow, for a whole year, again, to survive and thrive.
31 Life Lessons from 31 Years
Life is shaping up to be a photo album of precious days stamped with unadulterated joy and constant learning. THANK YOU for holding hands through my being and my becoming. Your love guides me home~
The way I want you to remember my Afghan students
Many years ago, I taught in Kabul, Afghanistan. A Danish colleague, whose grant-making organisation worked in the region, introduced me to one of the last co-educational informal schools left in the outskirts of the city of Kabul.
6 Things to think about
Things that often cross my mind and skip it too. I have had to relearn some of these lessons on my feet, some with my head between my palms and some with a wide smile across my face.
Love is a patchwork
Revisiting the truth of relationships. Exploring how love employs us and its myriad patches that we need to stitch together~